A company specializing in providing major engineering solutions and maintenance services for various industry. Also as a Petronas Licensed company, ERWAN aims to provide the best quality service for all our partners, stakeholders, and clients in our projects.

Some of our products and services are including but not limited to:

General Construction
Sewerage and Water Treatment Engineering & Construction
Environmental Engineering
Engineering, Procurement & Construction

Infrastructure construction and engineering
Piping Construction, Engineering & Installation
Pipe Jacking
Oil & Gas Rigs Decommissioning

Our Vision

Our ultimate vision is to constantly ensure quality provision of services and products for all of our clients in the construction, engineering, environmental management and solutions, as well as infrastructure industries.

Our Mission

ERWAN’s mission is to uphold integrity and honesty in all of our quality projects. Hence, we strongly believe that a successful business roots from a strong commitment in our management.

Our Objectives

• We ensure that all of our products and services are equipped with Committed Competence.
• We strive for the highest level of customer satisfaction and Customer Integration.
• In order to cope with the ever-changing market, we ensure that we are always being Responsive to Market Challenges.
• At ERWAN, we upload and prioritize the Safety and Quality principles for all of our talents and products.