The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy Statements, reflects the values and beliefs of senior management, it clearly defines the commitment of Erwan Holdings Sdn Bhd and its intention to deliver a high level of health, safety and environment performance. The HSE policy is communicated to all project personnel, key stakeholders and interested parties both internally and externally, through briefings, HSE documentation, public and workplace display, induction and training processes. The HSE policy quote as below:

Erwan is fully committed towards health, safety and environment by:

Provide sufficient resources to protect employees, environment, assets and company reputation from any harm;
Fully comply with all the statutory requirements and regulations during its daily operation;
Provide safe working environment for all employees;
Promote the health, safety and environment program by developing necessary HSE plan and program;
Maintain HSE management system as per requirements from various standards;
Improve the implementation of health, safety and environment on yearly basis.

Provide sufficient resources to protect employees, environment, assets and company reputation from any harm;
Fully comply with all the statutory requirements and regulations during its daily operation;
Provide safe working environment for all employees;
Promote the health, safety and environment program by developing necessary HSE plan and program;
Maintain HSE management system as per requirements from various standards;
Improve the implementation of health, safety and environment on yearly basis.